
The Department of Orthopaedics was started in 1993 and in 1995. Presently the Department has 120 beds distributed in 13 and 14 wards. There are three Orthopaedic functioning units. Over the years more than 100 students have been trained in orthopedic surgery.

Department of Orthopedic

The Department  has a spacious OPD located  on the ground floor with 8 consultation rooms, POP room, Procedure room and clinic room. It also has a prosthetic and orthotic room to provide calipers, braces and artificial limbs. The Department has interactive Digital Displays and Multimedia  projectors. The Department of Orthopaedics is located on the fourth floor of the hospital. It has a Seminar room large enough to accommodate 55 students. It has a physiotherapy room to cater to physiotherapy for in-patients and there is a counseling room next to the ward.

The Department also has a well-stocked library with latest books and journals from reputed publications.

Orthopedic Ward Bharati Hospital
Orthopedic Ward (Actual Image)

The Department has following equipments :

  • Arthroscope
  • Image intensifiers
  • Spine surgery set
  • Ilizarov, Linear tubular fixators and Hand fixators
  • Large and small fragment fixation sets
  • Special fracture fixation sets (DHS, Nailing set, proximal humeral set)

Patient services and Facilities

The Department runs Daily OPD  services from 0900- 1600 hrs on week days and emergency services 24hrs on all days including sunday. The  Department runs the following super Super speciality OPDs

  • Spine OPD: on all days
  • Hand OPD: On Thursday
  • Paediatric Ortho OPD: Wednesday and Friday
  • Knee and Sports Medicine: On All Days
  • Arthroplasty OPD: Monday & Thursday, Tuesday & Friday

Special Facilities

  • Correction of Spinal Deformities Scoliosis and Kyphosis etc
  • Total Hip and Knee Replacement
  • Arthroscopic Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Correction of Paediatric deformities and congemital anamalies
  • Orthopaedic Cancer surgery
  • Hand Injuries and deformities
  • Correction of limb deformities by Illizarov ring fixator

Department Faculty and Training Programme

The department at present has 21 postgraduates and we conduct structured training programmes for UG and PG students.

The Following are the Trg programme for the PGs

  • Seminar on Wednesday – once a week
  • Journal Club on Thursday- Once a week
  • Case Presentation On Fridays- Once a week
  • Surgical Audit- Once a Month
  • Ortho Radio Meet – Twice a Month
  • Guest Lectures – Once in 3months

Department conducts Once a year “Stimulus” PG Training programme in the month of March in association with Sancheti hospital Pune.

Orthopedics Team

Dr. Amit Prabhakar Mahajan

Professor & HOD

Dr. Gururaj Ramchandra Joshi


Dr.Sanjay Ninganagouda Patil


Dr. Gopal Tukaram Pundkare



For Enquiries or any information