
The Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital is a state-of-the-art department  situated on the ground floor of the hospital and is easily accessible from the casualty, OPDs and wards. It provides facilities for imaging admitted patients and out patients. The department provides superior radiology testing facilities in the hospital in Pune


The department has the following imaging modalities: 

  • MRI 3 Tesla and 1.5 Tesla: These are high end machines with dedicated Pediatric neuro and body coils  for high definition imaging. Facilities for MR spectroscopy, Diffusion tensor imaging, cartilage mapping are also available.
  • The 3 Tesla machine has an “ in bore “ experience to improve patient compliance and the scanning experience.. 
  • CT-Scan 128 and 32 Slice 
  • DSA – Two cath labs Allura 10 and Azurion 20 
  • Digital Fluoroscopy for radiographic procedures
  • Digital Radiography 
  •  Mammography
  • DEXA Scan 
  •  Ultrasonography  – 8 colour dopppler machines with high end machines capable of 4D and elastography 
radiology testing facilities at Bharati Hospital hospital Pune
MRI (Actual Iamge)

General guidelines

  • The department is open twenty four hours for seven days a week, thus catering to patients from the casualty/ accident and emergency sections, patients referred from the OPDs, outside doctors and hospitals and those admitted to the wards. A radiologist is available in the department from 8.15 am to 9 pm from Monday to Saturday and on Sunday mornings.

  • Conventional radiographs and ultrasound are done on a “walk in” basis, with priority being given to patients on wheel chairs and trolleys. 

  • All patients on wheel chairs and trolleys will have the attendant stay with them, get the investigation done and take them back to the concerned ward/department 


Quality Objectives

  • To follow Quality Assurance Programme

  • To follow Radiation Safety Programme

  • To ensure compliance of the PCPNDT Act

Advantages of the newly installed 128- slice CT Scanner

  • Improved image quality
  • Reduced scan time
  • Reduced intravenous contrast requirement
  • Provision for performing Cardiac CT and CT coronary Angiography
CT Scanner Bharati Hospital
CT Scanner (Actual Image)
Tesla MRI Machine Bharati Hospital
Tesla MRI Machine

The state-of-the-art 3.0 Tesla MRI Machine

  • Excellent in-bore experience to improve patient compliance
  • Improved image quality
  • Reduced scanning time
  • Improved resolution for small joints MRI
  • Provision for performing Cardiac MRI
  • Advanced MR techniques including Perfusion imaging, Spectroscopy and tractography.

Upcoming services

  • The 3 Tesla MR system , 128 slice CT and Cath lab are under installation. 

  • A new Digital Radiography system is also being procured which will be the first installation of its kind in India .

Radiology Team

Dr. Mrs. Priscilla Joshi

HOD, Professor & VP (PG)

Dr. John D'souza


Dr. Anand Mukund Rahalkar


Dr. Nagesh Seth


Dr. Abhimanyu Bargav Kelkar



For Enquiries or any information