
Bharati Hospital and Research Center has advanced facilities for cancer treatment and is a superlative oncology hospital in Pune.

Department of Oncology

Cancer is not a single entity, but a collection of a multitude of disease processes, unique in their sites of origin, rates of growth, patterns of spread and their final outcomes. Abnormal and uncontrolled growth is the only thing they all have in common. Cancer often begins in a single cell that gets transformed in a stepwise manner, because of various environmental and genetic factors.

Oncology Hospital Chemotherapy Drug Preparation
Chemotherapy drug preparation (Actual Photo)
Best Oncology Hospital in Pune
Oncology Ward (Actual Image)

Oncology Care Facilities

  • Day care beds 
  • General ward category beds 
  • Isolated beds for adult and pediatric hematology and oncology patients as required will be made available. 
  • Procedure room for oncology related Biopsy, FNAC, any sterile dressings, and aspirations, insertions, intrathecal injections.

Bio safety cabinet

We have a Chemotherapy preparation room with a Biosafety cabin for preparation of chemotherapeutic agents in a safe and hygienic way. The cabin is always sterile with UV light; the laminar floor is always ready to prepare drugs.

Our Services

At BHARATI Cancer Centre, we aim to deliver state-of-the-art-medical care to cancer patients. We are committed to providing the best patient care and welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.

  • BHARATI CANCER CENTER offers the entire range of hemato-oncology services including the Diagnosis and management of the entire spectrum of acute and chronic leukemia, lymphomas and myelomas. 
  • Complete range of hematology, biochemistry, histopathology services, all types of open and minimally invasive biopsies.
  • The hospital has a dedicated paediatric oncology division with a specialist team to manage all childhood cancers.


  • Chemotherapy (Out-patient and In-patient) 
  • Blood and Component Transfusion
  • Paracentesis
  • Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Psycho-Oncology Clinic
  • Bio-Safety Cabinet for preparation of chemo drugs
  • Dedicated service for dispensing chemotherapy drugs


  • To provide administration of Chemotherapy for Cancer patients.
  • Surgical, Medical and Paediatric Oncology OPD to diagnose & treatment given to patients
  • Breast Cancer Clinic
  • Palliative pain management
  • Counseling of psychotherapist
  • Bone marrow aspiration Biopsy & diagnostic Biopsy
  • Diagnosis, work up of adult and pediatric malignancies
  • Protocol based treatment for adult and pediatric malignancies.
  • Management of Oncology emergencies.
  • Management of supportive admission required in patients with malignancies e.g. infection, pre and post care etc
  • Minor procedures like bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, intrathecal administration. of drugs , ? long fever insertions.
  • Training and teaching of fellowship students and nursing staff.
  • Palliative care of patients.
  • Counseling of patients and their relatives by consultants and psychotherapists.

Oncology Team

Dr. Aman Chaudhary

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ashwin Rajbhoj

Assistant Professor


For Enquiries or any information